Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Quest

Just this past month, and quite serendipitously, I was able to go on a five and a half day retreat in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. When another continuing education event that I was planning to attend was moved, and I had already bought the plane tickets, this event (called The Quest) became available. I attended with one of my best friends, who now lives in Pennsylvania!

The Quest is all about getting free and stepping up to the responsibility of being a man of God. If you have read Wild at Heart by John Eldridge, you will know the basic thrust of the program. We had worship, teachings, times of prayer and reflection, confession and repentance and much more. They fed us a lot, too! I’m not supposed to tell you very much about the Quest so that others can go and be blessed too.

On one day, we fasted and spent the whole day out in the woods. It was a wonderful experience in prayer and reflection. The high point of the day was reading letters that many of my friends and family members sent to me. God spoke through those letter to my heart! I heard God say that I am loved, valued, cherished and appreciated; all things that I needed to hear! As gracious as people are to express their appreciation of me, I still get into a place where I wonder. But being quiet before the Lord allowed me to really hear His voice through their voices. It was an awesome experience!

It happened at just the right time, and the circumstances were just so perfect, that I have no doubt it was “a God thing”! The more we trust God and let God work in and through us, the more we find God’s amazing grace. I probably would not have gone on The Quest if I was not already going back east (for meetings in Nashville) and the previous conference had not been moved! It was truly a “divine appointment” for me and just the right time.

So, I encourage you to listen carefully to God, and follow His leading. This life is way too short to let opportunities that God has planned especially for you to slip by! In this holy season of Easter,

Be Blessed!

Find out more about The Quest at